From $32,463 excl. tax, excluding grants
30 % less
Always greather than 50 %
Wallbox charging
186 mi in
8 hours
2 x faster
French added value
10 x faster
50 % less
80 % less
Length :
167 inch
31,5 inch shorter
Carbon balance of the cycle
production - use - recycling
30 % less toe
Payload :
1,322 to 2,204 lbs
Equivalent payload
Optimized regenerative braking
Weight :
2,645 lbs
25 % higher
Mains recharging
93 mi in
8 hours
2 x faster
Cost per Kilometre (mains charge)
Cost per Kilometre (charge sur Wallbox)
50 % less
Cost per Kilometre (Battery swap)
Useful capacity :
4 to 8 m³
Usable lenght :
98,5 inch
1,322 lbs lighter
Equivalent useful capacity
Equivalent usable length
Battery Swap
186 mi in 3 minutes